Unhealthy to Have Dominant and Passive Parenting Styles

A couple’s parenting differences can lead to divorce. In one case handled by Ms. Monica Christine Fernando, a marriage and family counsellor at Reach Counselling: The mother, a civil servant, felt that she should the one nurturing and caring for the children. The father was soft-hearted. When he attempted to discipline the children, they did … Read more

Mandatory Parenting Programme in Singapore

A pre-divorce parenting programme- the mandatory parenting programme (MPP)– will be introduced at the end of 2016. The change will affect couples who: Have at least one child younger than the age of 14; and Disagree on any divorce matter (including issues involving ground of divorce, custody, maintenance and asset). The scheme will eventually cover … Read more

Different Parenting Styles Can Lead To Divorce

It was reported in a Straits Times article that different parenting styles can cause marital conflicts. For example, parents sometimes disagree over co-sleeping with a child. One parent may prefer co-sleeping while the other may want the child to get used to sleeping alone. In other instances, parents may disagree over the way a child … Read more

Brangelina Reached Custody Agreement

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt reached an agreement on custody, according to a representative for Jolie (7 November 2016). Under the agreement, Jolie shall have sole custody while Pitt would have “therapeutic visits” to the children. The statement indicated that the agreement was reached after consultations with childcare professionals. There was no mention of an … Read more

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