Divorce Procedure in Singapore for PR

What is the divorce procedure in Singapore for PR? Divorce Procedure in Singapore for PR In general, the divorce procedure in Singapore for PR is identical to the divorce procedure in Singapore for citizens. If all terms are agreed, an appointment can be made with one of our lawyers. We will prepare the divorce papers … Read more

Singaporean Marrying a Foreigner

Singaporean Marrying a Foreigner 30% of residents in Singapore are not citizens or permanent residents (PR). Hence, it is common for us to see a Singaporean marrying a foreigner. There are some common misconceptions involving such marriages. The marriage does not guarantee the foreign spouse permanent residence in Singapore. To check if your spouse will … Read more

What if Your Spouse is Uncontactable?

Can you get a divorce in Singapore if your spouse is uncontactable? The answer is yes. Of course, it would be really straightforward if your spouse is contactable and both parties are willing to proceed with the divorce on an uncontested basis. In the event that your spouse is uncontactable, your divorce papers would have … Read more

Divorce a Foreign Spouse: More than 7% of Marriages Involving Foreign Spouse Dissolved Within 5 Years!

With the increase in numbers of marriages between Singaporeans and foreigners, I have a large proportion of clients come to me looking to divorce a foreign spouse. According to Minister of Social and Family Development Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, there appears to be an upward trend when it comes to Singaporeans who want to divorce a … Read more

Is it Possible to be Married in Singapore and Divorce Overseas?

Is it possible to be married in Singapore and divorce overseas? Married in Singapore and divorce overseas? As a divorce lawyer in Singapore, I have had many people asked me if it is possible to be married in Singapore and divorce overseas. This is of particular interest to those who have not fulfilled the requirements … Read more

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