Singaporean Marrying a Foreigner
30% of residents in Singapore are not citizens or permanent residents (PR). Hence, it is common for us to see a Singaporean marrying a foreigner.
There are some common misconceptions involving such marriages.
- The marriage does not guarantee the foreign spouse permanent residence in Singapore. To check if your spouse will qualify for long-term stay in Singapore, you can use the ICA’s Pre-Marriage Long Term Visit Pass Assessment System. If your foreign spouse is eligible, he/ she will receive a Letter of LTVP Eligibility before marriage and it can be used to support his/ her application for LTVP.
- Marriage Preparation Programmes are organised by the Ministry of Social and Family Development to support cross-cultural marriage and help the foreign spouses adjust to life in Singapore. As part of the LTVP application, you are required to attend these programmes.
- If your foreign spouse wishes to work, the Ministry of Manpower will issue a Letter of Consent (LOC) to your spouse when he/ she secures employment so that he/ she will not be counted against the foreign worker quota of their employer.
- There is no restriction on buying a resale flat in the open market. If you wish to buy a new BTO flat, you will only be eligible for a 2-room flexi flat in a non-mature estate.
See: Sim Kang Heong, “Marrying a foreign spouse in Singapore: this is what you need to plan for”, Dollars and Sense (as seen from Asia One), 17 September 2017
In addition, you may also wish to enter into a prenuptial agreement with your spouse so that both parties’ interests will be protected.
For more information, contact us today!
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