Singapore Child Custody Cases

Many of my clients are curious and interested to know the outcomes of Singapore child custody cases. What do the Family Justice Courts look out for in Singapore child custody cases?

In general, it boils down to the welfare of the child. And this is not about how much you earn, or how well you can provide for your child.

Parents who are able to spend quality time and put in a good effort to care for their children may be more suited for care and control of their children.

Centre for Fathering CEO Bryan Tan was inclined to finish his meals fast so that he could proceed to other activities. He realized that his children, on the other hand, appreciate the experience of eating. They savour every bit of their food as they slowly chewed on it. They enjoy having good conversations during dinner, telling their parents how their days went and what they learned about the world. Therefore, he made it a point to be present at his family dinner every night and set his evening engagements to no more than 3 times a week. He limits his use of his phone at the dining table so as to avoid distraction to the conversations he has with his children.

See: Bryan Tan, “My kids taught me meal times are precious: Centre for Fathering CEO”, Today, 11 November 2017

It is important to understand your children and learn to see things from their perspectives. What do they need? What is in their best interests? How can you provide them with a good environment and support?

For more information on Singapore child custody cases, contact us today!

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