Why I Dissuade my Clients from Using a Child to Hurt the Other Parent

Over the years, I have come across a few cases where one parent resorted to using a child to hurt the other parent. It is really sad. An extreme case of “using a child to hurt the other parent” happened in China recently. A woman in Jiangxi province cut off her son’s penis to “get … Read more

Interim Access Order Singapore

Increasingly, more parents are coming to me to seek an interim access order Singapore. When do you need an interim access order Singapore? You need an interim access order Singapore if: You have difficulties getting access to your child. For instance, your spouse has left the matrimonial home with the child or you have been … Read more

Impact of Divorce on Children- How can you mitigate the impact?

Have you ever wondered about the impact of divorce on children and how to mitigate the impact? I recently read about the impact that the divorce of the late Princess Diana and Prince Charles had on Prince William and Prince Harry. In a recent documentary about Princess Diana, Prince William admitted that the siblings had … Read more

Child Representative Singapore Scheme- How will it help you?

The Child Representative Singapore scheme was started in 2014. Since then, 26 individuals have now been appointed as Child Representatives. 8 cases in 2015 and 16 cases in 2016 involved a child representative. What is the Child Representative Singapore scheme? The Child Representative Singapore scheme aims to give children caught in acrimonious divorce cases an … Read more

Different Parenting Styles Can Lead To Divorce

It was reported in a Straits Times article that different parenting styles can cause marital conflicts. For example, parents sometimes disagree over co-sleeping with a child. One parent may prefer co-sleeping while the other may want the child to get used to sleeping alone. In other instances, parents may disagree over the way a child … Read more

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