Why I Dissuade my Clients from Using a Child to Hurt the Other Parent

Over the years, I have come across a few cases where one parent resorted to using a child to hurt the other parent. It is really sad. An extreme case of “using a child to hurt the other parent” happened in China recently. A woman in Jiangxi province cut off her son’s penis to “get … Read more

Supervised Access Singapore- When is it appropriate?

Is it true that mothers will “surely” get care and control of minor children in Singapore after the divorce? Will the access of fathers be restricted- i.e. will fathers be limited to supervised access Singapore? Do all mothers get care and control of their children? I think it is important to clarify that not all … Read more

Children in Between Programme Singapore – Initiative by the MSF

As a divorce lawyer in Singapore, I have witnessed how divorces affect children. Children may be greatly affected if they are close to both parents, but forced to take sides. This is one of the reasons why the Ministry of Social and Family Development started the Children in Between Programme Singapore. Case study The case … Read more

Negative Effects of Divorce on Children

What are the negative effects of divorce on children? Recently, it was reported that a 4-year-old boy in China was abandoned by his parents whose marriage had broken down. On 16 May 2017, the boy’s father took him to the kindergarten in the morning and did not return for him. After finding a large bundle … Read more

History of Depression and Custody in Singapore

History of depression and custody in Singapore- how does depression affect custody in Singapore? Case of Wang Chan Foo Wang Chan Foo was suffering from depression. He had a history of depression for over a year. In 2016, he killed his wife, Ng, before taking his own life. On 22 March 2017, State Coroner Marvin … Read more

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