Grounds for Divorce Singapore- Are You Eligible For Divorce Singapore?

If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Singapore, you must also be thinking about the grounds for divorce Singapore.

Grounds for divorce Singapore

How many grounds for divorce Singapore are there? What are the grounds for divorce Singapore?

Technically, there is only 1 ground for divorce Singapore and that is “irretrievable breakdown of marriage”.

Irretrievable breakdown of marriage is supported by one of 5 facts below:

  1. Unreasonable behaviour of your spouse
  2. Adultery by your spouse
  3. Desertion by your spouse
  4. Separation for a period of 3 years (provided both parties consent to the divorce)
  5. Separation for a period of 4 years (you do not need the consent of both parties to the divorce)

Most couples in Singapore use the fact of unreasonable behaviour to file for divorce in Singapore.

Case study unreasonable behaviour

Point 1- lack of financial security and planning

Recently, I read a forum letter in which a reader who called herself “Disappointed Wife” wrote to The Star. Disappointed Wife’s Husband never held a full-time job. On the other hand, Disappointed Wife worked for 72 hours a week. As a result of the Husband’s lack of financial security, the couple were homeless at one point as Disappointed Wife could not afford to pay for the rental. Despite this, Disappointed Wife held on to the marriage.

The couple are now living with the Wife’s parents. The Husband would overspend and request for the Wife to pay his bills. He is always in debt.

Disappointed Wife is disappointed that the Husband does not plan for the future and spends every cent he has.

Point 2- spouse does not help out in the house chores

In addition, Disappointed Wife’s Husband does not assist her in the house chores. The Husband will not help the Wife if the internet is down or if the car needs maintenance.

Disappointed Wife feels that she has to handle everything at home.

Point 3- lack of care and concern

Finally, Disappointed Wife feels that she is responsible for everything. She is independent but would like a shoulder to rest on. She does not feel that her Husband could take care of her.

See: “‘My husband doesn’t make money and I pay for him’”, The Star/ ANN, 7 May 2017

As a divorce lawyer in Singapore, I have seen many examples of unreasonable behaviour. Points 1 to 3 above are very common reasons for divorce in Singapore.

If you have more questions on grounds for divorce Singapore, contact us today!

You may also be interested to read more about:

1. Divorce and Separation

2. Annulment (Nullity) of Marriage

3. Children’s Issues

4. Matrimonial Assets

5. Maintenance Issues (Alimony)

6. Family Violence


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