Family Law Singapore- What makes a good family law practitioner?

What does it take to be a good practitioner of family law Singapore? Family law Singapore is not a typical practice area, where the focus is about maximizing profits. In some other areas of law, litigation (going to Court) may be necessary and helpful in getting to the issues and resolving them. This may not … Read more

Warning Signs of Divorce

When I attend gatherings and friends find out that I am a divorce lawyer, they will be curious about my work. Am I put off by marriage, having witnessed so many divorces (200 to 300 per year)? Some ask me if there are any warning signs of divorce. As a family lawyer in Singapore, I … Read more

Free Legal Advice for Divorce in Singapore! Contact us today!

Are you looking for free legal advice for divorce in Singapore? Free legal advice for divorce in Singapore We offer free legal advice on divorce in Singapore if you want to know more about: Divorce and separation in Singapore; Annulment in Singapore; Custody, care and control, and access to minor children in Singapore; Division of … Read more

Asking a Friend to Recommend a Good Divorce Lawyer Singapore?

If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Singapore, you may ask your friends to recommend a good divorce lawyer Singapore to you. There is nothing wrong with asking your friends and family members to recommend a good divorce lawyer Singapore to you. However, different people may have different experiences with the same lawyer. … Read more

$1 Lawyer Singapore- Fact or Fiction?

Is it possible to engage a $1 lawyer Singapore? $1 lawyer Singapore Typically, when people talk about a $1 lawyer Singapore, they are either referring to: A lawyer who is working on a pro bono basis. For instance, you have a friend who is a lawyer. The lawyer agrees to act for you for free. … Read more

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