Remarriage After Divorce Singapore

Are you open to remarriage after divorce Singapore?

Case Study- Remarriage after Divorce Singapore

Mr Yap’s wife died of a lung infection 8 years ago. He has a married son in his 30s but he lived alone. In his words: “I was lonely. There was no one to talk to, no one to look after me.”

On the suggestion of a friend, he looked for a new partner and was introduced to a divorcee from China. He slowly got to know the lady, 52, and did not rush into the remarriage. He had heard stories of retirees who were cheated of their life savings.

The couple married in 2013.

According to statistics, 470 men aged above 60 years old are getting married. They formed 1.7% of all grooms in 2016. The figure was 236 10 years ago.

80% of the brides and grooms above the age of 60 who married in 2016 were divorced or widowed, according to the Marriages and Divorces Statistics 2016. Out of this number, there were more men than women. Mr Jonathan Siew of Care Corner Counselling Centre said that “it is still less acceptable for older women to remarry, so many older widows or divorcees hesitate to enter into a new relationship or think of marriage”.

More seniors are now open to late-in-life unions. Singaporeans are also living longer and seniors do not want to stand the remaining 20 to 30 years of their lives alone.

See: Theresa Tan, “More finding love and marriage in golden years”, The Straits Times, 14 August 2017

I encourage all my clients to consider remarriage after divorce Singapore. Especially the younger ones. One failed marriage does not mean that you will suffer another heartbreak.

You do not deserve to spend the rest of your life alone.

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1. Divorce and Separation

2. Annulment (Nullity) of Marriage

3. Children’s Issues

4. Matrimonial Assets

5. Maintenance Issues (Alimony)

6. Family Violence


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