Domestic Violence Cases in Singapore

How are domestic violence cases in Singapore dealt with?

Domestic violence cases in Singapore may have serious consequences, especially if nothing is done to stop them.

Dealing with Domestic Violence Cases in Singapore

If you are a victim of domestic violence in Singapore, you should:

  1. Make a police report;
  2. Go to the doctor for a medical examination;
  3. Make a complaint and application for personal protection order at the Family Justice Courts. If you are facing imminent danger, you may be granted an expedited order.

Domestic Violence Cases in Singapore Triggered by Trivial Issues

Domestic violence cases in Singapore can be triggered by seemingly trivial issues.

I recently read about how a 60-year-old man in India was arrested for shooting his 55-year-old wife dead because she had served him dinner late.

The man, Ashok Kumar, was drunk when he returned home. When he requested for dinner and his wife refused to serve food immediately, they had an argument. Angered, Ashok threatened his wife with a gun.

Despite his children’s intervention, Ashok shot his wife in the head. He now regrets his actions.

Domestic violence is rampant in India, with one incident reported every 4 minutes in 2015. What sets domestic violence cases apart in India was the “culture of silence and approval” surrounding it.

See: “Man in India shoots wife to death over delay in serving dinner”, The Straits Times, 12 July 2017

The moral of the story is, do not wait until it is too late to make an application for a personal protection order.

If you are a victim of domestic violence in Singapore, learn about how to protect yourself today.

Contact us for more information on domestic violence cases in Singapore!

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1. Divorce and Separation

2. Annulment (Nullity) of Marriage

3. Children’s Issues

4. Matrimonial Assets

5. Maintenance Issues (Alimony)

6. Family Violence

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