Persons protected
Family members are protected from family violence. If any of the following persons commits family violence against you, you can apply for a personal protection order:
1. Your spouse or ex-spouse.
2. Your child, even if he/ she is an adopted child or a step-child.
3. Your parent.
4. Your parent-in-law.
5. Your sibling.
6. Any other relative who the Court regards as your family member.
What constitutes family violence?
A person may be guilty of causing family violence if he/ she commits one or more of the following:
1. Placing a family member in fear of hurt
2. Causing hurt to a family member
3. Wrongfully confining or restraining a family member against his/ her will
4. Causing continual harassment to a family member to cause anguish to him/ her
A person would have caused hurt to his family member if he/ she causes his/ her family member to suffer from “bodily pain, disease or infirmity.”
See: Sections 64 to 66 of Women’s Charter (Singapore)
Family violence does not include any force lawfully used in self-defence, or by way of correction towards a child below the age of 21. However, in the event that a person causes more harm than is necessary for the purpose of defence, the person may be guilty of committing an act of violence. In addition, lawful correction of a child must be for the purpose of teaching discipline and must be exercised for the benefit of a child. Otherwise, the person administering the “correction” may be guilty of committing an act of violence.
Your family lawyer can assist by:
1. Advising you on the strength of your case (if you are applying for a PPO or if a PPO application has been made against you).
2. Advising you on your rights.
3. Ensuring that your interests and concerns are addressed.
4. Drafting and filing the documents required by the Court.
5. Representing you in Court mentions and the trial.
6. Representing you in negotiations with the other party.
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