As a divorce lawyer in Singapore, I regularly have clients come to me with an adultery story in Singapore.
If you have been cheated on by your spouse, you may ask:
- “What should I do?”
- “Should I give him/ her another chance?”
You are the only one who knows the answer.
Will you be able to trust your spouse again?
Adultery shows the value your spouse sees in the relationship and the amount of respect that he/ she has for you. Why did your spouse cheat on you if you meant as much to him/ her as what you thought?
After finding out after the adultery, your spouse may want to make amends. He/ she may allow you access to his/ her email and Facebook account to regain your trust. You may then feel the need to check these. Your spouse may then deem you as “controlling”. This may not be healthy for the long term. Do you want to spend the rest of your life checking on him/ her?
So the question comes back to whether you will be able to trust your spouse again?
See: Thelma, “He has cheated on me before, can I trust him?”, The Star/ Ann (as seen from Asia One), 13 August 2017
What are your options if you are the victim of an adultery story in Singapore?
If you decide to forgive your spouse, you should protect yourself by entering into a marital agreement with him/ her. The marital agreement will provide you with the option of divorce, and stipulate terms on child custody, maintenance and division of assets should divorce become necessary.
If you decide to go ahead with divorce, you may wish to talk to us about the divorce procedure and how you can proceed.
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