Final Judgment Divorce Singapore

Wondering when you will receive the Final Judgment Divorce Singapore?

If all terms are agreed between you and your spouse, you can receive the Final Judgment Divorce Singapore within 4 months from the date you sign all the papers. The process goes like this:

  1. You engage us;
  2. We prepare the divorce papers and arrange for signing;
  3. After the signing, the divorce papers are submitted to Court;
  4. Within 1 month, the Court will grant the Interim Judgment; and
  5. 3 months later, the Court will grant the Final Judgment Divorce Singapore.

If the terms are not agreed (or the divorce is not agreed), you can expect to receive the Final Judgment Divorce Singapore within 6 to 12 months from the date the divorce papers are first submitted to Court. The process goes like this:

  1. You engage us;
  2. We write to HDB (if you have a HDB flat) and retrieve relevant information;
  3. You attend the Mandatory Parenting Programme to obtain a Certificate of Completion;
  4. We prepare the divorce papers and submit the papers to Court, before serving the papers on your spouse;
  5. If you have a child under the age of 21, or if both parties agree, we proceed on to mediation. Hopefully we reach a settlement;
  6. The Court will grant the Interim Judgment; and
  7. 3 months later, the Court will grant the Final Judgment Divorce Singapore.

In the event we do not reach a settlement at mediation (most cases do), we proceed to Court for a hearing. The Court will grant the Final Judgment Divorce Singapore at the hearing.

You may also have heard the term “decree nisi”. This is a latin term which is still used in English Courts. The equivalent of decree nisi in Singapore is the Interim Judgment. This basically settles the reason for divorce.

The Final Judgment Divorce Singapore (or “decree absolute” in latin) will only be granted after all the terms (assets, children and maintenance) are sorted out.

For instance, former English footballer Ryan Giggs and his wife just had their decree nisi granted. The issue on asset division has not been resolved. Hence, the decree absolute has not been granted.

See: “Ryan Giggs’ estranged wife granted divorce”, The Telegraph, 11 August 2017

If you have more questions on Final Judgment Divorce Singapore, contact us today!

You may also be interested to read more about:

1. Divorce and Separation

2. Annulment (Nullity) of Marriage

3. Children’s Issues

4. Matrimonial Assets

5. Maintenance Issues (Alimony)

6. Family Violence


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