Filing for Separation in Singapore- Deed of Separation in Singapore for $550 net!

Are you thinking about filing for separation in Singapore? There are many reasons why people think about filing for separation in Singapore.

Reasons for separation in Singapore

For instance, you may not be ready for divorce in Singapore because:

  1. Your child is taking a major examinations (such as the PSLE) and you do not want to affect his/ her preparation.
  2. Your matrimonial HDB flat has not reached its minimum occupancy period (MOP) and you may suffer a loss if you were to surrender the flat.
  3. Your marriage is under 3 years and you can’t file for divorce in Singapore.
  4. You are thinking about giving the marriage a second chance.
  5. You do not wish to upset your family members by filing for divorce.

There are many reasons behind the filing for separation in Singapore.

Deed of separation in Singapore

However, it is important to note that it is perhaps a better idea to have your separation in Singapore formalized through the signing of a deed of separation, rather than just leading separate lives for the next few years.

With a deed of separation, all the terms and conditions are formalized. You do not have to worry if your spouse will change his/ her mind in the future.

Both of you will know your rights and your interests will be protected.

Further, the deed of separation will serve as proper proof that you are actually separated!

There are couples who may live apart, but are not separated.

Annie Yi is one such example. It was recently revealed that she does not live with her husband, Qin Hao. After being probed by the media, she clarified that Qin Hao has been shuttling from city to city and that the couple decided that their child should live with her mother and not shuttle around with her father.

She clarified that her husband does visit her and their child when his schedule permits. She further explained that their separation is for her daughter and there are no cracks in the marriage.

See: “Annie Yi: “My marriage is not on the rocks””, Toggle Entertainment, 12 May 2017

If you wish to find out more about how to go about filing for separation in Singapore, contact us today! The cost of a deed of separation in Singapore can be as low as $500 net!

You may also be interested to read more about:

1. Divorce and Separation

2. Annulment (Nullity) of Marriage

3. Children’s Issues

4. Matrimonial Assets

5. Maintenance Issues (Alimony)

6. Family Violence

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