Child Inclusive Dispute Resolution
62 cases went through the Child Inclusive Dispute Resolution process last year. Out of the 62 cases, 80% had at least 1 or more children’s issues settled by the end of mediation at the Child Focused Resolution Centre.
Parenting coordinators
There are presently 24 lawyers on a panel of parenting coordinators. The Family Justice Courts can appoint any of the 24 parenting coordinators to help parents in implementing orders relating to children, such as orders for child access.
Docketed system
By the 2nd half of 2017, a single judge will be dealing with a divorce case from start to finish, including all related applications.
Family Protection Centre
Come July 2017, victims of family violence will have a more private environment for their protection order applications. A new system known as iFams will allow applicants to make applications for protection orders at the Family Court Registry or at family violence specialist centres.
See: Neo Chai Chin, “Family Justice courts: Some results and plans”, Today, 20 February 2017
As a divorce lawyer in Singapore, I have seen the Family Justice System in Singapore undergo many changes over the last few years. Many of these new schemes and processes are have practical advantages.
For instance, under the Child Inclusive Dispute Resolution scheme, parents will have the opportunity to hear and understand what their children are going through. Children will be consulted by the Family Justice Courts on the impact of the divorce on them. Parents will then be able to consider the feelings and wishes of the children before fighting out issues on custody, care and control and access.
For more information on the Child Inclusive Dispute Resolution scheme, and other new initiatives of the Family Justice System in Singapore, please contact us today!
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