Illegal Marriage Between 2 Women! Void Marriage Singapore

What is a void marriage Singapore? A void marriage Singapore is one which is deemed to never have existed.

2 female Indonesian migrant workers allegedly married each other officially after returning from Malaysia where they worked in.

“Husband” gave birth

The “husband” (Farel) gave birth in North Sumatra and dumped the newborn baby 50 metres from the “wife’s” (Salmah) house. Residents confronted Farel and Salmah after getting suspicious of them.

According to a resident who lives near Salmah’s home, Farel had told the neighbours that she was a widower with a child. The couple married on 30 November 2016.

Salmah’s version of events

According to Salmah, she did not know that her “husband” was a woman and that she had not been intimate with Farel. She also claimed that she would not have married Farel if she had known that she was a woman.

Salmah said: “I am still normal.”

See: Apriadi Gunawan, “Indonesia’s police uncover illegal marriage between two women”, The Jakarta Post/ ANN, 6 February 2017

Void marriage Singapore

Marriages involving 2 persons of the same gender are void in Singapore.

Under Section 12 of the Women’s Charter Singapore, a marriage involving 2 persons of the same gender in Singapore or elsewhere is void. However, for a person who has undergone a sex-change procedure, he/ she is free to marry a person of the opposite sex.

If you face a similar issue, you may wish to contact us to discuss about the annulment process. At the end of the annulment process, the Family Justice Courts will officially declare the marriage to be void. You will be deemed never to have been married.

You may also be interested to read more about:

1. Divorce and Separation

2. Annulment (Nullity) of Marriage

3. Children’s Issues

4. Matrimonial Assets

5. Maintenance Issues (Alimony)

6. Family Violence

For more information, please contact us here.

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