The 1961 Women’s Charter is a piece of legislation passed by the Singapore Parliament.
What are covered under the Women’s Charter Singapore?
The Women’s Charter (Singapore) governs:
- Monogamous marriages in Singapore;
- Solemnization of non-Muslim marriages in Singapore;
- Registration of marriages in Singapore;
- Rights and duties of husbands and wives;
- Family violence;
- Maintenance (alimony) of wives, incapacitated husbands and children;
- Enforcement of maintenance orders in Singapore;
- Divorce and judicial separation proceedings in Singapore;
- Annulment (nullity) of marriages in Singapore;
- Financial consequences of matrimonial proceedings in Singapore;
- Financial relief consequential on foreign matrimonial proceedings;
- Welfare of children; and
- Offences against women and girls;
The Women’s Charter (Singapore) is supplemented by other primary legislations passed by the Parliament, including:
- Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act (Cap. 168); and
- Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act (Cap. 169).
What are covered under Practice Directions of the Family Justice Courts?
The Registrar of the Family Justice Courts issues practice directions governing how proceedings in the Family Justice Courts ought to be conducted.
Discuss your circumstances with us today
We provide a range of family law- related services to people across Singapore. Whether you are considering a divorce, annulment or separation, we encourage you to get in touch with us. We will help you understand the Women’s Charter (Singapore) and the family justice system in Singapore.
Send us a message via our contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
Your divorce/ annulment lawyer can assist by:
1. Advising you on your rights under the Women’s Charter Singapore.
2. Representing you if you decide to file for divorce/ annulment, or defending you if your spouse files for divorce/ annulment.
3. Ensuring that your interests and concerns are addressed.
4. Drafting and filing the documents required by the Court.
5. Representing you in negotiations with the other party, mediation sessions and in Court.
You may also be interested to read more about:
2. Annulment (Nullity) of Marriage