Child Representative Singapore Scheme- How will it help you?

The Child Representative Singapore scheme was started in 2014. Since then, 26 individuals have now been appointed as Child Representatives. 8 cases in 2015 and 16 cases in 2016 involved a child representative. What is the Child Representative Singapore scheme? The Child Representative Singapore scheme aims to give children caught in acrimonious divorce cases an … Read more

Making an Application under the Guardianship of Infants Act?

You may be thinking of making an application to gain care and control of/ access to your child under the Guardianship of Infants Act Singapore if: You are going through a separation/ divorce; Your spouse has left with your child; or Your spouse has denied you access to your child. In my years of practice, … Read more

Care and Control of Child Singapore- Case Study on Shared Care and Control

What will happen to care and control of child Singapore after the divorce? Is it possible to have shared care and control of child Singapore? Recently, a Judge in Hong Kong ruled that a Singaporean mother should have sole care and control of child but denied her application to relocate with the child to Singapore. … Read more

Negative Effects of Divorce on Children

What are the negative effects of divorce on children? Recently, it was reported that a 4-year-old boy in China was abandoned by his parents whose marriage had broken down. On 16 May 2017, the boy’s father took him to the kindergarten in the morning and did not return for him. After finding a large bundle … Read more

Life After Divorce- Being a Single Father in Singapore

How difficult is it to be a single father in Singapore? Mr Eric Kwek is a single father in Singapore. He has a 7-year-old daughter Kylie. After getting a divorce in 2013, he was awarded joint custody of the child who lives with him on weekdays and goes over to her mother’s home for the … Read more

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