Judicial Separation in Singapore

Judicial Separation in Singapore

Many of my clients wish to file for divorce, but are unable to because of certain reasons.

It could be a case that their children are facing major examinations and they do not wish to distract the children. Or it may be that their flat is under the Minimum Occupancy Period, and they are not able to sell the flat in the open market.

In such cases, judicial separation in Singapore may be an option. To apply for judicial separation in Singapore, you will need to satisfy the Court that the marriage has irretrievably broken down by any of the 5 facts of divorce (separation, adultery, desertion and unreasonable behaviour). The difference between judicial separation and divorce is that separation has only temporary effect on the spouses’ relationship while a divorce ends the marriage permanently.

In a case of judicial separation in Singapore, all ancillary powers of the Court may also be invoked.

Case study

News recently broke that Skysports pundit and retired Premier League footballer Jamie Redknapp and his wife Louise Redknapp have been living apart since July 2017. Neither is pushing for a divorce currently, but Louise said that she needs to live apart from Jamie to re-evaluate her life.

According to a source close to Louise, she is putting steps in place to end the marriage by the ned of the year as they are not closer to getting back together since they first split up.

The couple have been together for the last 20 years.

See: Rebecca Lawrence, “‘I love Jamie but I need to put myself first’: Louise Redknapp reveals she is LIVING APART from her husband and claims she felt like a ‘Stepford Wife’ as she talks candidly about their marital woes”, Mailonline, 7 October 2017

Jamie and Louise Redknapp’s case is a classic one for my clients who enter into judicial separation. They are not ready for divorce, but yet want to experience living apart from one another. Sometimes, they end up getting back together again. On other occasions, they end up getting divorced.

Judicial separation in Singapore may be a good mechanism if you are not sure about a divorce yet. After all, divorce is an important decision which warrants serious consideration.

Contact us today if you wish to understand more about judicial separation in Singapore.

You may also be interested to read more about:

1. Divorce and Separation

2. Annulment (Nullity) of Marriage

3. Children’s Issues

4. Matrimonial Assets

5. Maintenance Issues (Alimony)

6. Family Violence

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